Friday, January 27, 2017


If some parents listened to the cries of their daughters, maybe their daughters wouldn't run into the arms of those who give them attention with wrong intentions, just like that.
If parents saw the pain their daughters are going through, trying to be accepted by a world of full people who are constantly judging.  
They wouldn't feel the need to be accepted by a man who only wants them for one thing. 
We live in a world where some daughters are seen as a burden and some sons are seen as a trophy. 

We did not deserve this. Listen to our cries.  

storm clouds and you

"This letter is to you. 
The you that has had a rough week.  The you that seems to
be under constant storm clouds.  The you that feels invisible.
The you that doesn't know how much longer you can hold 
on.  The you that has lost faith.  That you that always blames 
yourself for everything that goes wrong.  To you. 

You are incredible.  You make this world a little bit more
wonderful.  You have so much potential and so many things
left to do.  You have time.  Better things are coming 
your way, so please hang in there.  You can do it."