Saturday, November 22, 2014


That feeling of dread in your gut,
When your stomach clenches, when you
Are scared and trying to remember
Everything you've done that could've
Pissed him off. 
Sitting there, drenched in your own sweat and tears, tick tock tick tock
You know he's on his way home dont you?
You know this isn't a home to you but you have no where else to go
You cannot escape, cannot even hide in your room - he'll be there
You cannot hide in the bathroom - he'll break down the door just to get to you
So all you do is sit there, waiting for him to come "home", knowing that when he gets here, he'll come straight for you
You are trying to convince yourself that he is better this time, he will not hurt you and that maybe, just maybe, you've not done anything wrong
You were a good girl, only his good girl, you didn't let any other man lay eyes on you but still he takes you for a whore
But he still wants a "perfect" girl
So he will keep breaking you, re- moulding you, breaking you and re-shaping you until you become perfect
After all, perfection is in the eye of the beholder is it not?

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