Tuesday, January 27, 2015

expiration dates

I’ve been thinking about what would happen if one were to get involved with someone who has an “expiration date”.  Someone who in a set amount of time, will be leaving.  Knowing the amount of time you have with someone is a strange concept.  Knowing this when you’re just meeting someone, makes it a little more odd.  Knowing this when the person is growing on you, makes it downright dizzying.  At this point, both parties being completely aware of this limited timeline, you have a couple of options.  The first option is the easiest.  Drop out before you get too involved.  Leave before they’re someone you spend your suns and moons thinking about.  This option is the easiest one, for when the expiration date is right in front of your face on the calendar, you won’t feel as if a part of your soul is floating away.  You probably won’t even remember the significance of that specific date.  This is safe.  But the second path.  That’s where you allow the threads of your souls to intertwine in any which way.  That’s where you feel.  Where you create something that moves you.  Something that washes you with a wave of warmth and shivers up your spine when you recall it.  Something that helps grow the seed of your soul, your being.  If you are ever in this situation, this impassioned footing, I urge you to choose the latter.  Expiration dates are inevitable, in every situation, with every single person, whether they are known or not.  In this situation, you are given the gift of knowledge of this timeframe.  Please don’t let this hinder you.  You know the forest ends somewhere, but allow yourself to get lost and build a few tree homes anyway.           

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